Telegram has recently rolled out a significant update, revolutionizing the messaging experience with the introduction of one-time voice and video messages. This new feature mirrors real-life conversations, where communication is transient and direct.
With the January update, users can now send one-time voice and video messages on Telegram. The process involves swiping up to initiate recording, tapping the view-once icon, and sending messages that automatically delete after playback. This feature not only adds a unique twist to messaging but also enhances the conversational experience by preventing recipients from replaying or saving these ephemeral messages.
To signify the nature of the message, a small '1' appears, indicating it is a one-time message. Once played, the message cannot be paused or rewound and vanishes upon completion. However, it's worth noting that despite the focus on privacy and mimicking real-life interactions, recipients still have the ability to record these messages for future listening.
In addition to the one-time voice and video messages, Telegram has introduced another update that allows users to see the precise time when messages in one-on-one chats were opened. Users can adjust privacy settings based on the Last Seen status, providing control over their read status for specific contacts.
For free users, the update includes redesigned shared contacts, improved video messages on iOS with clearer video quality, faster camera switching, and reduced camera shake. macOS users will also enjoy 15 new icons to match their themes and stand out in the dock.
Premium subscribers on Telegram will experience even more enhancements, such as faster video stories, private message permissions that allow receiving messages only from contacts and premium users, one-way last seen and read times, and tags to facilitate sorting saved messages. These updates collectively aim to elevate the messaging experience on Telegram, offering a balance between privacy and user control.